Jennifer Garner is Being Stalked!!

Jennifer Garner

Jennifer Garner

According to TMZ, Jennifer Garner has obtained a court order protecting herself from a man she believes is endangering her family. How awful is that!! Jennifer Garner is having a baby – the last thing she needs right now is the extra stress of being stalked. How scary!!

TMZ has obtained documents ordering Steven Burky to stay clear of Garner — no contact whatsoever.

The documents state,

“Mr. Burky has been stalking and harassing me. Sending packages and letters containing delusional and paranoid thoughts and following me around the country …”

Garner says Burky has been harassing her since 2002, but in the last year,

“his obsessive and harassing behavior has escalated to the point of becoming dangerous and threatening.”

She also said that she fears for herself, husband Ben Affleck and daughter Violet.

“I am currently pregnant and fear for the safety of my second child once born.”

A judge issued a temporary restraining order earlier this month. A hearing is coming up to make the order permanent.

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